Micah 1:8 - Compassion for the guilty
Micah 1:8
8 Because of this I must lament and wail,
I must go barefoot and naked;
I must make a lament like the jackals
And a mourning like the ostriches.
Though the Lord's righteous judgment is being delivered, there is no pleasure in it for Him. This is a time of grief, not a time of rejoicing, as the people must face the consequences of their sin.
This is not usually how we react to someone receiving their just punishment. We almost go to the opposite extreme of rejoicing, particularly if we were personally wronged by the individual. We long to see them pay for what they've done.
But it is God's heart that we extend compassion, and even love for our enemies, as Jesus said:
Matthew 5:43-44
43 "You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.'
44 "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
This does not mean that justice will not be accomplished, but speaks of our heart in the matter. The punishment of the wicked, though necessary, should also invoke in us compassion for them. Particularly the ultimate punishment, as no circumstance on this earth is as dreadful as what awaits those who leave it without repenting to God.
Lord, forgive me for lacking compassion. Having received so much grace from You, I should want to give of that to others. Grant to me a heart of compassion, even for the rightly damned, knowing that were it not for Your salvation, I could only expect the same.
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