2 John 9 - Doctrine, essential to life
2 John 9
9 Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ,
does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the
Father and the Son.
In some circles today, as in years past, doctrine is an objectionable
word. The Emergent church for example -- a current movement along
these lines -- emphasizes experience over doctrine, conversation over
core beliefs.
But as John notes here, we need doctrine. We need to understand and
abide in the teaching of Christ. I have never seen a person bunk the
idea of doctrine and then become more sound or well-grounded in their
walk. What I have seen every time is that person move away from Christ
and eventually into beliefs distant from the scriptures and permeated
with worldly ideas and even tenets of false religions.
Lord, keep me in Your word, all of my days. I pray for fallen brothers
and sisters, led astray by a rejection of the importance of doctrine.
Break through to them, draw them back into a right relationship with